Monday, March 16, 2009

Timothy Arkett, aka "Sniffles", aka "Bloodhound", 3/16/09 12:32 PM

Sniffles?,..Sniffles? What the fuck, those assholes, fuck’em. I’ll get mine soon enough. This place is like a bad stereotype, bunch of nerds hangin out but this time the supers are real. Like bein’ in some kind of B rated movie. Ok that’s enough, I got all I need to know and even more. Bonus time for me, found another one, weird one though. I’ll have to tell Beckie about this one, maybe she can figure it out. I toss the comic I was hidin’ behind on a rack and slump toward the door. Just as I reach it the door opens and one of those preppy pretty boys is standing in my way, but the smell. It’s like copper and rubber, and burned plastic. Another one, shit is this some kind of meeting place? Have they got some kind of little club, man a real fuckin clique. I pause for a moment glancing over my shoulder to take a good look at him. Gotta’ tell Abe we need to tag this place for surveillance.

I turn back around and begin walkin’ back around behind the building to get out of line of sight so I can “go home”, when another smell hits me. This time it’s sweet, like spice and apple cider, mmm. I turn toward it and see a girl, blond, trim, real looker, not that kind of cheerleader ditsy good looks, but the girl next door kind you know, real beauty. Man that’s a great smell. I’ll have to make sure I remember that one especially well. I watch her enter the comic store and think that’s kind of odd, a cute girl in a comic nerd central, ha. I shrug, guess it takes all types. I turn and walk around the building, light a Camel, take a deep drag, and step behind the dumpster and I realize she looks familiar. Where have I seen her from? That’s “right” I remember…Ha, I just made a pun.

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